DeepZoom - v3.14.93
NDBC Buoys
Version 3 is out!
Embedding DeepZoom in your own website
Rich Media I’m a daily user of Wikipedia and Twitter. And I’ve long imagined adapting the spirit of these innovations into DeepZoom, creating an authoritat...
I promise to not clutter this blog with non-DeepZoom deviations into politics or religion. But since the following topic consumes ~10% of my total brain capa...
New features
New features
New features
JavaScript, the quandary
Oops, I broke backwards compatibility
Tide and current data refresh
Intracoastal waterway (ICW)
Atlantic Rally for Cruisers
New features
New features
New features
Historical pilot charts Pilot Charts show probabilities of wind strength and direction for a particular location and time, to help plan optimal sailing rout...
New features
New features
DeepZoom was designed for trips on the water. But you can also use it for driving, hiking, and biking trips.
Watch the video:
v 3.14.93 2024.10.03