Trip: Intracoastal Waterway

2 minute read

Intracoastal waterway (ICW)

Now that .gpx import is working I needed a really big trip to do some stress testing.

Ann and Bob Sherer publish a set of .gpx routes and tracks along the ICW. For reasons unknown to me, these have come to be known around the web as the Bob423 tracks.

I imported these to DeepZoom by just dragging and dropping one or more .gpx files onto the right side panel. Next I converted the tracks to routes using the handy new button on the Tracks panel. Finally I adjusted some of the departure dates to form a reasonable itinerary, and voilà, we have a trip!

The resulting 1067 nMi trip from Norfolk to Key West has seven routes, many thousand waypoints, and a trip duration of 44 days at 6.5 knots with several layovers.

Tip! You can adjust the starting date for all routes in a trip in one operation. Click “today”, +1, -1, or the calendar icon to change the start date for the earliest route and all other routes will be modified to the same relative time offset.

Try it out:

Tip! you can add-in Bob423’s side trips and anchorages by dragging in this file.

