DeepZoom Release History
New features
- Clipboard links now include most application state.
- Change portrayal of tide stations to circular shape.
Bugs fixed
- Handle lazy loading when embedded in iFrame.
- Improve time zone list usability.
New features
- Show NBDC buoys with real time weather data.
- Search: find tides and current stations by name.
Bugs fixed
- Touchscreen premature route creation termination fixed. The gory details are here.
- Settings: The Celsius selection now actually does something.
- Login: login status is now more sticky during refreshes.
New features
- Update route and marker properties (name, departure date and time, speed, color) within the edit dialog.
- Scripting: documentation added.
- Scripting:
for route or marker is now a regular expression, allowing wildcard matches.
See: - Scripting: added routeProperties event.
- Documents: Image links can now be added to a document. This is useful for webcams: Seattle ferry dock
- Documents: Added a button to remove formatting.
- Documents: Ensure all images are loaded before allowing save.
- Allow changing the departure time for all routes simultaneously in the departure time dialog.
- Always show the timebase duration above the time readout.
- Added UTC to the timezone list.
Bugs fixed
- Changing a route departure time by clicking the clock icon wasn’t working.
- Searching for lat/lng coordinates handles more formats.
- Null exception in TripFind if no firstName.
- Allow marker selection except when creating or editing routes.
- Copy postion or marker link to clipboard failed in Prodction.
- Refreshing the PWA version when a new version is released seems happier. ☺
New features
- Updated NOAA charts. All NOAA chart depths are now in feet.
- Updated NOAA tides and currents data to January 2024 release.
- New route and marker creation and editing dialog.
- New dialog to publish a private marker collection onto the public map.
- Tracks are now timeline aware
- Routes can be disabled. This is useful for boundary marking.
- Marker star ratings are now displayed on the map.
- Many improvements in editing routes and markers, both touch and mouse.
- Many UI improvements throughout.
Bugs fixed
- Many
Bugs fixed
- Sometimes tides and currents would not get updated without initially moving the chart.
- A big deal! Instantaneously update time when changing route departure date/time or speed. This feature was present on many early versions of DeepZoom but was problematic because routes were sometimes autoselected in a confusing fashion. I think this is finally fixed, enjoy!
Bugs fixed
- the Now! button would sometimes switch the time zone display to UTC.
- +/- day or week increment buttons under the tide graph were not working correctly.
- Verification email confirmation was sometimes silently ignored.
Bugs fixed
- Never change map center when selecting a route.
- Propogate route name changes onto time slider.
- Update browserlist to handle 89% of all browsers.
- Make changing timebase settings rational.
New features
- When used in iFrame, each instance of DeepZoom uses a unique localstorage.
Bugs fixed
- Position marker correctly at start or end of route when using Timewarp.
- fix getLayer() error at startup on some devices.
New features
- Added 3 day weather sample trip
Bugs fixed
- Clicking “Now” in “Animation Settings” no longer changes duration to one day unless “now” is outside animation duration
value is incremented after trip is completed, but before any “post” scripts are executed.- Graticule no longer overwrites the top longitude lines at low zoom values
New features
- added Graticule (lat, lon lines). Enable them on the Settings page.
Bugs fixed
- Improved wind directional accuracy
New features
- Total redo of weather display
- Toggle buttons for chart, weather, pilot charts, tides and currents
- Fast access to route creation via Plus button
- Disable 3D, tilt, pitch.
- Scripting, added ‘if’ for condition event execution
- Scripting, added timezone event
- Scripting, show script error position
- Scripting, halt playback on error
Bugs fixed
- Sometimes route duration wasn’t updated properly after changing route speed.
- Introduced 3D display, rotation, and tilt
- Introduced trip scripting
Just tides, currents, NOAA nautical charts